Thanks to N4IRS , Now we can utilized the allstarlink’s asterisk USRP module to link to the Analog_bridge program/MMDVM_bridge and of course, the Software AMBE Transcoding MD380-emu.
The basic diagram of the implementation is as below:-
My analog radio Yaesu FT-7900 which connected to serial to windows Echolink (9W2LWK-R) <-> connected to Raspi3 allstarlink asterisk echolink module (9W2LWK-L) , which also connected to allstarlink node 47259 which is also connected to USRP private node 1999 (which internal link via udp port) <-> Analog_Bridge (which need to transcode the audio PCM/DMR via MD380-emu program) <-> MMDVM_Bridge <-> MY BM Master (TG50210) and back forward.
The procedures / process looks very complicated, but if you follow the step from N4IRS documents (at below link), you will get through the setup steps by steps.
Google Doc for setup Analog Bridge
The document above uses Rasbian/Debian type of linux distribution, where it utilized apt-get (Repository) to install all the dependencies, if you are someone that uses Archlinux like me, you can install the dependencies by using Pacman -S xxx command instead, and then download the individual binary version of Analog_Bridge, MMDVM_Bridge here at GitHub , the /bin directory should have the Analog_Bridge.amd64 , Analog_Bridge.armhf, Analog_Bridge.i386 | MMDVM_Bridge.amd64, MMDVM_Bridge.armhf, MMDVM_Bridge.i386 accordingly depending on your Linux architecture.
The most difficult part is the MD380-emu, where you need to compile from source from the github if you are not using Rasbian/Debian based linux.
It is a tedious process, what i did was (for armv7h architecture) , i apt-get install md380-emu from my pi-star (Rasbian) then i copy the binary over the the Archlinux (it works perfectly)
For those amateur stations who want to play around with your audio in DMR/C4FM/DSTAR , they can firstly try out Analog-digital on analog radio simplex gateway @ 148.825Mhz CTCSS 177.3Hz hosted by 9W2LWK if you are in USJ/Puchong/Putra Jaya/Cyber Jaya/Shah Alam Area
If you are on android app and you wanted to try out DMR/C4FM/DSTAR , you can use echolink 9W2LWK-L/9W2LWK-R , and listen to your own audio in Broadcastify or Brandmeister Hoseline , of course this is also applied on Analog_bridge , on 148.825Mhz
Looking forward to see new stations try out your audio in C4FM/DMR/DSTAR before jumping to digital devices like FT70D (C4FM) , MD380/390 (DMR), FTM100DR (C4FM, WiresX), Icom ID-51E (DSTAR), Motorola XPR 7550 (DMR) etc. (See my YouTube video on my previous post on how to use SDR to decode DMR signal/RF)